Every day I look at my short little attempts to write a story (my previous posts) and I edit them. It seems I just cant stop modifying and embellishing and....I think the more I edit the more I don't like it but every time I look at it I see something I want to change...Aghhh! I'm also noticing my tendency to write as if I'm speaking out loud. I find I narrate the story as I go. the problem with that is when I narrate I can put vocal emphasis on a word but not textualize it. In other words the reader may read the sentence entirely differently. Also, when I reread what I wrote on previous days it seems fast and choppy. I think by narrating it I'm screwing up my pace...not sure how to change this. Try to stop I guess. Well, I'm going to keep going and eventually my wife will get a chance to edit this story and she'll red mark it to death...which is great and what I want. Ciao!
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