Wednesday, March 30, 2005

old Jewish saying

"May you be covered in the dust of your Rabbi"

Friday, March 25, 2005

long layover

I am currently sitting in Minneapolis Airport with a mammoth of a layover, 8 and a half hours. It's all good though. It has given me a unique opportunity to read, pray, think. I also enjoy the people watching. I am so tired. Having just spent the last two weeks in Europe I had just started getting acclimated only to have to do it all over again. So, I must keep myself busy. Luckily I have my journal, a book called Hearing God by Larry Kreider, wireless internet access, and a Venti Caramel Macchiato. Mmmm...caffeine. Airports are very interesting places. So many stories that I wish I could know. If you listen and watch closely enough sometimes you get to find out. On one flight a lady got on the plane weeping. Her husband had just had a heart attack in New York and she was on her way to see him in the hospital. You couldn't help but overhear her conversation with the Hospital staff as she was asking for details on his status. On my flight here the gentleman next to me was from Sweden and was going to Denver to see his daughter (a twin) get married. he apparently has 6 kids...two sets of twins! Some people just look so interesting that I have to convince myself to leave them alone resisitng the urge to go and start conversations. Don't get me wrong. Sometimes this is good and I have had too many divine encounters to think otherwise. But sometimes it's just me wanting to be nosy. Some interesting thoughts go thru your head as you watch people walk by...."That father needs to tell his 12 year old to put on some more clothes" (that's the Father of two daughters speaking there...), "Hmm....wonder where they're from", "What language was that?", "What is significant about that basketball that women is carrying?", "Wow, that guy has a pink tie", "look at those adorable I miss my kids", "Someday I'll grow my hair long like that", " cream", "I want to learn sign language" ...and so on and so forth. Man, I'm tired. Three hours to go...